Eco-Friendly Events

Benison Events shares eco-friendly event tips to promote sustainability and create a greener future for India.

In this blog, Benison Events emphasizes the importance of hosting sustainable events in India. It delves into the environmental impact of events and offers practical tips and initiatives for event organizers to promote sustainability. From reducing waste and energy consumption to incorporating eco-friendly practices, we provide valuable insights and strategies.

Also, by implementing these initiatives, event organizers can minimize their ecological footprint, contribute to a greener future, and create memorable events that align with sustainable principles. Benison Events encourages the event industry to prioritize environmental responsibility and play a crucial role in shaping a sustainable India.

The Need for Sustainable Events in India

Because India, a rapidly developing country with a growing population, faces numerous environmental
challenges. Unsustainable practices associated with events, such as excessive waste generation, energy consumption, and carbon emissions, further contribute to these challenges. It is certainly crucial to shift towards sustainable event planning to mitigate the negative impact altogether on the environment and create a greener future. Let’s see how?

  • Waste Generation

India generates a staggering 62 million tons of waste annually, and a significant portion originates from events and festivals as per Central Pollution Control Board reports. By incorporating waste management strategies such as recycling, composting, and minimizing single-use plastics, events can significantly reduce their environmental impact. For instance, the Ranthambore Festival implemented a zero-waste policy, diverting over 85% of waste from landfills through segregation and composting.

  • Energy Consumption

Basically the energy demands of large-scale events contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Transitioning to renewable energy sources and implementing energy-efficient practices can consequently lead to substantial energy savings. The Kumbh Mela, held in Prayagraj, set up a solar energy plant to power the event, resulting in a reduction of 1,186 tons of carbon emissions.

  • Water Conservation

India faces water scarcity in several regions, making water conservation a pressing concern. Events consume significant amounts of water, but through responsible usage, water-efficient fixtures, and rainwater harvesting, event organizers can contribute to water conservation efforts. The Sunburn Festival in Pune successfully implemented water conservation measures, resulting in a 30% reduction in water consumption.

Initiatives for Organizing Green, Eco-Friendly Events

  • Waste Management Strategies

Implement waste management strategies, including waste segregation, recycling stations, and a ban on single-use plastics. Collaborate with local waste management organizations to ensure proper waste disposal and recycling. The Jaipur Literature Festival successfully reduced waste generation by implementing reusable cups, composting food waste, and providing designated recycling zones.

  • Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

Transition to renewable energy sources like solar or wind power to reduce the carbon footprint of events. Optimize energy usage by employing energy-efficient lighting, appliances, and equipment. Encourage vendors and exhibitors to adopt similar practices. The Sustainable Mountain Festival in Manali powered its entire event using solar energy, effectively eliminating carbon emissions from energy consumption.

  • Water Conservation Measures

Promote responsible water usage by installing water-efficient fixtures, using recycled water where appropriate, and raising awareness among event participants. Encourage attendees to refill reusable water bottles and provide water stations to minimize single-use plastic bottle waste. The Mahindra Open Sky Festival in Thar Desert used a rainwater harvesting system to meet their water needs and educate attendees about the importance of water conservation.

  • Sustainable Catering

Encourage event caterers to use locally sourced, organic, and seasonal ingredients. Minimize food waste through careful menu planning, portion control, and composting. Provide vegetarian or vegan options to reduce the event’s ecological footprint. The Ziro Festival of Music in Arunachal Pradesh partnered with local farmers to source organic ingredients and focused on reducing food waste through effective planning and composting.

  • Transportation and Accessibility

Finally, promote sustainable transportation options for event attendees, such as public transportation, carpooling, or cycling. Provide clear information on public transportation routes and options. Ensure the event venue is accessible and inclusive for people with disabilities. The Serendipity Arts Festival in Goa partnered with ride-sharing platforms and provided bicycle parking to encourage sustainable transportation.

By implementing the above management strategies, we can collectively reduce our environmental impact.


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